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Who are we

Who are we

The Macarthur Centre for Sustainable Living (MCSL, the Centre) is a not-for-profit, community-driven organisation supported by local Macarthur Councils and the Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust. MCSL is primarily an educational facility and model for sustainable technology. The Centre aims to celebrate Macarthur’s cultural diversity and explore sustainable living options with activities such as tours, festivals, markets, workshops, research, art, food, gardening and music.


The Centre's Information Centre includes functioning displays of renewable solar energy production and use, waste water recycling, water and energy efficiency, waste avoidance and management. The main building, the Centre itself, demonstrates environmentally sound design and construction methods, utilising renewable and recycled building materials.


There is display space and regular events onsite for companies with products or services which enhance the sustainability of homes and gardens. For researchers there are opportunities to investigate, for example, aspects of the use of renewable building materials or organic gardening methods. Existing community, cultural and environmental groups can extend and enhance their activities through the facilities and programs at the Centre.


To find out more book a personabisled tour with us or come and visit the Centre and do a self guided tour.

 Tours are available and can be arranged for small groups. For more details or for bookings phone +61 2 4647 9828 or email to